Tuesday, July 19, 2016


far away
(and maybe closer) 
different mothers
promise their children
like our today.

we are living
desired lives.

may it be
that any tomorrows we see
are taken up like someone's answered prayer.

that which is your life’s giving-
as much as you can, 
and if you have more than you need to keep.

maybe god has answered 
their prayers
through you. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Descending is an art,
you must know exactly 
how much space your body can take 
before it refuses to sink

Letting go requires grace,
you can’t just fall down straight.
You must have faith.
Work hard-
if potato sacks dream big enough,
they can reach the ground in lilting swirls
like feathers.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

musings of a ghost

they were never us,
they cannot know the flowers we must have on our graves.
i worry my soul will keep searching 
among the heaps of colour for what it needs.

the right flowers were never ours. 

'don't stand in your own way', you said, when you left,
and no one but my ghost, 
the one that will keep returning to this scene after everything is over
to find what it needs 
among heaps of what it doesn't want-
no one but that ghost
searching for the right flowers to move on-
will stand in your way and try to block your path.
one day it will learn 
that wisps of cold air 
aren't strong enough 
to hold a warm body back.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


everything i have ever known or felt
is burnt into my shadow,
my storage-place 
for things that are present
but to be kept hidden-

you know what shadows are made of? 

all the things denied to us
all the loves that refuse to fade
all the people we never held
and parts of us 
that are locked-up backstage.

Friday, February 6, 2015


have you forgotten 
your feet have settled at this pace?
you question
yourself and fate
because you haven't reached where they are-
is that where you are going?

have you forgotten the road to where you want to go?
or you don't know
and you want to run 
down any path 
because they are running?

have you forgotten why you don't run?
why do you doubt the ability of your feet,
when it has been a choice and a decision
to walk-
because this path needs walking,
not running
you know that 
then why
do you ask 

why do you doubt your actions-
is it because they seem to have reached?
when did your actions get entangled with the choices of others?

why are you so focused on their feet
when you have your own 
and they are moving 
out of choice
and requirement 

do you want to run
or do you want to reach?

where you want to go 
requires you to go slow

is your doubt 
based on impatience 
or change of passions?

either way
why do you curse your feet,
condemn your fate,
why do you hate the world?

have you forgotten that you are on your way?

Friday, January 16, 2015


the way you love him
makes me remember 
the way i used to love before
when i gave everything
and didn't hold anything back-
now consequences 
have sharpened caution
i want to test
safety nets
before jumping
look at you,
reckless nose-diver
putting us all to shame
you prefer broken bones to a hollow heart?
i can hear the air around you
take heart, take heart
even if it breaks
and takes
years, to simply learn
to love yourself again
take heart

and there you are
you've jumped
without ropes or nets or cords 

but i can see
those moments of delight
when i, and all watching
could have sworn, by god,
that your fall
was truly 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Sylvia Plath gets too much attention. 
It's like her body of work wasn't enough, 
she had to outdo all her contemporaries 
and future generations of troubled poets
with death.

All these writers trying to outshine one another,
I cannot fathom the depth 
of this insanity
of creation.

I try to decide how to match them. 
How creatively they save themselves 
from oblivion.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Coming home

(on the train from Andheri to Malad)

A harmonica tempers the air with a quaint tune.
A man washes his hands and sits down on the floor to eat. 
This train is his restaurant on wheels.

 Where are we headed? 
All of us are going with the train but our journeys don’t end at the same place, do they?
As another station slips past, tube-lights and hoardings try to add flavour to the night.
A flock of people disembark. An even larger group gets on. 
We are always headed somewhere, it seems.

The harmonica has resurfaced. 
This time I catch a peek of a face framed trough the shining metal rods of the train grill. 
A visually-challenged man slowly edges forward. 
People give coins.
What I think is love, could easily be pity. Why do they give? 
Is there thought behind their giving or is it unconscious. 

There are men who are  huddled on the floor. 
They sit with folded legs and abandon. 
They are lost to the world that slips by. 
Small smartphone displays make a world that was previously unavailable, now accessible.
They give these screens undivided attention. 

I see a metal-framed bridge under construction.
 A few years ago it didn’t exist. 
Today it is on its way to completion. 
How soon the city changes...

Sometimes it feels like that friend who went to a fancier college or got a better job and then was suddenly in another league. Still familiar but evidently alien. 

Would this city reject me if it ever found out that I wasn’t keeping up?
Lost in words and thoughts, the train now edges into familiar surroundings. 
It will go on into the distance but I must stop. 
Each of us has to disembark somewhere.

Sometimes I wonder about life. 
How can we ever know if we disembarked at the right stop?

Friday, January 2, 2015

On Validation

you do not need the world
to validate your existence 
you are bone and blood
animated by air

you are fire and spirit and soul
the elements support you
the earth holds your weight
here you stand
anchored, alive and awake

don't ask for approval
stamp your feet
leave your mark
make things better 
for yourself and others

change the world, if you can.
let everyone see your worth.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

we, the others.

tendrils of longing
emerge from our tree-selves
in a world where they are allowed
to walk, we can only
extend coiled up fingers
to tap them on their shoulders;

but they keep walking.

in the time it takes
to re-orient directions
and face our new suns
those bright gods have slipped out of our sky

have these feet

how low have we fallen that
even a ray of light
seems out of reach?

layers of invisible guilt
and pins of stabbing hate
gods chosen children, they
who shine in every way
and we
the forgotten children
of lesser gods
dimmed by innocence
and claimed by flaws

as these silences
envelop us

as we disappear
into shadows,
crevices and cracks

as we grow still
and wait
our kingdom
to come.