Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mirror by Sukanya Venkat

This is the first guest post on my blog by the wonderful, Sukanya Venkat. Although she claims to be unfamiliar with poetic terrain, I think she navigates her way quite impressively. Here is Mirror.

This woman inside me
I want to look like her-
full of chaos and poetry,
unborn stories glistening in her veins,
a mighty winding river 
full of fury 
and quietude.

I want her courage. For adventure. 
For falling darkness and blinding light
Her obsession with the truth. 
Her artless ways of finding it
Her gentle ways of speaking it
Her talent
for alchemizing lies.

This woman inside me-
I want to be her
I want 
her wars
her violent landscapes
her passionate marriage to freedom.

I desire her fortitude.

Her forgiveness. 
Her abundant wrath. 
Her infinite love.

I covet her femininity. 
Her celebration. Her divinity.

Her imperfection 
and her scars.

This woman inside me, 
(my body my heart my soul my brain)
I want her to take me in. 
Turn me into her. 
I want her stories, her secret dreams.
Her life.

I want my mirror to swallow me and spit me out;
covered in mercurial incandescence
in my dreams, I am she. 
There is no separation. 
In reality 
She towers above me 
And I worship at her feet.

Our life…
This life…
No, this dream.
It is us. 
(It is her. It is me.)

I am the cosmos. 

I am her. 
We are inseparable
My nemesis and I 
Are one.

Sukanya is a fellow traveler from Somewhere Else world. 
And when she's not doing fancy things that usually make up her day,  
she is busy waging war on pages with the most difficult weapons to wield- words.
She tweets at Stormborn@suku06.

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