Sunday, April 21, 2013


I was only given words as a tool to make sense of what was happening to me.

I was given words to help me process my pain.  

And so I use them.

What do you do when the darkness and emptiness come for you?


You cannot do much.

You wait.

You let them come.

You let the pain take its course and move through you.

There will be well-wishers who will try to help.

They cannot.

There will be those who will try to make it worse.

Let them.

What have you to lose?

How much more can you lose?

Let yourself reach rock bottom.

Let the skin of your cheek feel the rough, cutting, black stone.

Let your tears mix with blood.


When your eyes open, place your palms on the very ground that claimed you.

And let your scraped knees take revenge.


You are alone.

You alone are enough.



  1. I love how you write. Some day I hope you'll be sitting at a book signing and I'll come to get my copy autographed :)
